Björn Rust (he/him) is a post-industrial designer, researcher and educator, developing context-sensitive solutions in service of people and the planet.

Recent writings

  1. Place-based innovation for sustainable and resilient human systems
  2. Towards a new political economy for collective well-being through strategic design
  3. Beyond orthodoxy toward design-led economic policy


This website is managed by Björn Rust. If you have any concerns or simply wish to reach out, please email. If you would like to encrypt your email, please find my public key here and verify its fingerprint:

5B0B 41EB 10D9 9F7B 5113 D528 71C9 1AFC 6DD2 2368

You can also find me on Mastodon.


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You have the right to access all personal information I hold and ask that it is corrected or removed. To exercise this right, please send me an email.

In general, this website aspires to the privacy of the printed page.


This website generates 0.01g of CO2 per visit.[1] I am committed to reducing this number at every opportunity, which means it may appear a little dull to some eyes.

If you would like me to present work, first consider remote conferencing. If travel is required, I prefer rail. If flying is the only option, the carbon cost of the flight must be offset by a reputable provider.

  1. Website Carbon Calculator. ↩︎